North Dalton Village Hall has been at the heart of village life for many decades. But just like the rest of us, our lovely traditional hall is getting older and needs regular care and attention to keep it up to scratch. It costs around £7,000 a year to maintain the hall and play area, and this doesn’t include extras, such as repairing the worn out outside doors or replacing the elderly heating system.
To help to maintain the village hall, the Village Hall Committee is inviting you to join a Supporters Club. This will help us to cover the costs of maintaining the hall and entitle you to be entered into a quarterly draw for a cash prize. You may have already seen this flyer about it, which has all the details.
How does it work? Each Supporter makes a regular payment of £4 a month and gets a unique Supporter Number. Every quarter these numbers are entered into a draw and the lucky winner will receive a cash prize of £100. The rest of the money goes towards the maintenance of the village hall.
How many Supporters do we need? To start with, we would like 25 people to sign up as members of the Supporters Club. This would enable us to give quarterly cash prizes of £100 and still provide us with just over £800 a year towards the village hall. If we get more Supporters, then we will increase the cash prizes accordingly. We will close membership of the Supporters Club once we reach 50 members.
What do you need to do to join? Simply complete the form and return it to the Treasurer of the Village Hall Committee, Di McNeish, Mexborough House, North Dalton, YO25 9UX, or you can just pop it into the village hall post box, or you can email your application to